Christopher Wayne Stokes
Christopher Wayne Stokes, as a director of Macquarie Marble and Lime (MML), failed to comply with directions issued in respect to the Macquarie Marble and Lime Mine.
Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of 3 Executive Liability offences under section 378F as MML failed to comply with directions under section 240, and further committed an offence contrary to section 248S(1) of the Mining Act 1992 for failing to provide information and records.
Stokes 248S(1) – Fail to comply s.248B - Fined $10,000. Stokes 378F (exec liability) – Fail to Comply - Direction 1 Fined $10,000. Stokes 378F (exec liability) – Fail to comply - Direction 2 Fined $10,000.
Further information
In addition to the above, the Magistrate made orders that:
- 50% of each fine is payable to the Secretary of the Department of Regional NSW; and
- The defendants pay the Prosecutor $10,000 in respect to the Prosecutor’s legal costs.