Technical reference guidelines
An index of mining design publications produced by the NSW Government
Technical Reference Guides (TRG) will replace Mining Design Guidelines (MDG) as part of the Regulator's MDG revision and updating process.
MDGs that have been replaced with a TRGs will be moved to the historical catalogue as an archival reference.
Technical reference guides
- TRG - Powered winding systems - Part 1 General requirements (PDF, 4.41 MB)
- TRG - Powered winding systems - Part 2 Drift winders (PDF, 1.86 MB)
- TRG - Powered winding systems - Part 3 Vertical shaft winders (PDF, 4.02 MB)
- TRG - Powered winding systems - Part 4 Ropes (PDF, 2.77 MB)
- TRG - Powered winding systems - Part 5 Control systems (PDF, 1.09 MB)
- TRG - Development of a spontaneous combustion principal hazard management plan for underground coal mining operations (PDF, 4.16 MB)
- TRG – Escape breathing apparatus for underground mining applications (standards for design and ongoing monitoring) (PDF, 671.99 KB)
Note: See related Fact Sheet – Maintenance, examination and testing of in-service breathing apparatus to assist escape (including self-rescuers (PDF, 277.99 KB)) - TRG - Technical reference guide Main fans, booster fans and auxiliary fans in underground coal mines (PDF, 700.31 KB)
- TRG - Hot Work (cutting and welding) at mines and petroleum sites (PDF, 1.24 MB)
- TRG - Ventilation control plan (PDF, 583.92 KB)
- TRG - Winding systems for small gemstone mines (PDF, 752.62 KB)
- TRG - Braking systems on plant used in underground transport (PDF, 1.69 MB)
- TRG - Non-metallic materials for use in underground coal mines and reclaim tunnels in coal mines (PDF, 768.72 KB)
- TRG - Gas outbursts principal hazard management plan guidance (PDF, 2.08 MB)
- TRG - Withdrawal and emergency escape from underground coal mines (PDF, 260.58 KB)
- TRG - Stockpiles and reclaim tunnels (PDF, 2.64 MB)
- TRG - Raiseboring operations (PDF, 383.43 KB)
- TRG - Airblast management in non-coal underground mines (PDF, 556.01 KB)
- TRG - Windblast management in underground coal mines (PDF, 296.65 KB)
- TRG - Pillar extraction in underground coal mines (PDF, 5.65 MB)
- TRG - Strata support bolting plant in underground coal mines (PDF, 1.57 MB)
- TRG - Coal dust explosion suppression and prevention (PDF, 3 MB)
- TRG Fire or explosion (PDF, 861.56 KB)
The guides below may refer to repealed legislation. Please check the Legislation section for current WHS legislation.
MDG 1 - MDG 99 series
- MDG15 Guideline for mobile and transportable plant for use at mines (other than underground coal mines) 2017 (PDF, 1.46 MB) (PDF, 1.46 MB)
- MDG29 Management of diesel engine pollutants (PDF, 1.25 MB) (PDF, 1.25 MB)
- MDG41 Fluid power systems NEW (PDF, 1.98 MB) (PDF, 1.98 MB)
- MDG41 TR 420 bar super staple lock fittings 1 (PDF, 373.57 KB) (PDF, 373.57 KB)
MDG 1000 series
MDG 2000 series
MDG 3000 series
- MDG3007 Hydraulic safety (PDF, 1.43 MB)
- Fact sheet - Testing of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids and materials (PDF, 235.78 KB)(This replaces MDG3006 MTR2 referenced in the Mechanical Engineering code of practice)
MDG 6000 series
Note: Guidelines for in-seam response using CABA for events where life is at risk (produced by Mines Rescue Pty Ltd) is included in the archived version of MDG 1020 and MDG 1022 - see our historical MDG archive in the document library.