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Enforceable undertakings accepted

The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted enforceable undertakings from Hi-Quality Waste Management Pty Ltd (operator of Windellama Clay Mine near Goulburn) and Hi-Quality Quarry (NSW) Pty Ltd (operator of Kemps Creek Central Shale Mine near Penrith) following an investigation into alleged mining without an authorisation.

Combined, both undertakings require a minimum spend of $160,316 and include environmental and community project funding, payment of royalties and rent and levy fees, as well as payment of Regulator’s agreed costs.

An enforceable undertaking is a legally binding agreement proposed by a company following an alleged breach, which may be considered as an alternative to prosecution.

In accordance with the Regulator’s enforceable undertaking guidelines, the decision to accept the undertaking has been published on the Regulator’s website.

For more information, see:

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