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Notification of Incident and Injury Guide updated

The NSW Resources Regulator’s Notification of Incident and Injury Guide assists mine operators to determine whether the Regulator needs to be informed of a work-related death, injury, illness, dangerous incident, or high-potential incident.

The guide has recently been updated.

Key changes include: 

  1. The removal of the guidance around a serious injury and corrective surgery. If a worker presents to hospital in an emergency and they need surgery, then the worker is admitted as an inpatient and the incident needs to be reported as a serious injury.
  2. A clear requirement that if a worker received a medical certificate for either a work-related illness or injury that indicates the worker is unfit or on restricted duties for 7 days or more, then this incident needs to be reported to the Regulator regardless of whether a decision is still pending from the workers compensation insurer.
  3. Updated information requirements for all incidents, including:
  • time and shift lengths
  • shift pattern
  • travelling time to and from work
  • job title or role
  • experience and training.

Download the guide.

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